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Charlie wandered into our lives on the 21st of June in 2008. It was around 7.30pm on a Saturday night, the first night of the June and July school holiday break. Lyn was working in the shed on her beading. As I went out to take her a cup of coffee this little black and white moggy came wandering up the path to meet me. He had his tail in the air and this " well here I am what are you going to do about it " look about him. Needless to say we were somewhat suprised at his appearance. After feeding and looking after him over night it was around all of the neighbours next morning to see if he was theirs. No he was not. One neighbour said that they had seen a car pull up and the drive away. He had been dumped. Next a trip to the vet to get checked out, his innoculation and he was ours.


Charlie is the most affectionate and placid male cat the we have had in a long time and as you can see from the following pictures one of the most laid back as

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Charlie and two of our house cats on a wet and windy day.





Still sleeping as the weather is not good.


Awake at last, but for how long one wonders.IMGP1453




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